Low Carb Zone-Теория и практика низкоуглеводного питания

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Бродила сегодня по сайтам и набрела на блог некоего Джона Кифера с его программой Carb Back Loading Program И внезапно я приняла решение попробовать то, что вчера мне казалось просто невероятным. Я буду есть углеводы. http://smiles.kolobok.us/user/vala_02.gif В дни тренировок и строго после тренировок. Конечно, пончики, гамбургеры и тортики есть я не планирую. Поэтому нужно будет найти такой углевод, который отвечал бы требованиям - был с высоким гликемическим индексом и был более менее натуральным, то есть нерафинированным продуктом.

Предполагаю, что с кетоза придется сойти. Я готова. Кетоз на данном этапе помогает мне чувствовать себя хорошо. Но он не помогает мне худеть. Поэтому я буду использовать всевозможные программы для того, чтобы довести тело до того состояния, которое я сочту удовлетворительным, а потом опять прыгну в кетоз. Мне он нравится. http://smiles.kolobok.us/artists/viannen/viannen_19.gif

Материалы по теме

Carb Back Loading.pdf

The Biorhythm Diet by Borge Fagerli

Немецкий форум CBL-Log für alle

Исследование на пабмеде про тех самых полицейских, о которых шла речь в диете Biorhythm.

Carbs At Night: Fat Loss Killer Or Imaginary Boogeyman? Written by Layne Norton

Evening Carbs will not make you Fat

Advanced Concept – kosthold v2.0

Кратко о системе Кифера + ссылка на книгу

Does Carb Backloading Work? A Scientific Review

◄Интервью: Carb Back-Loading with John Kiefer

◄Исследование: Circadian system, sleep and endocrinology.

Джон Берарди про инсулин

Анаболическое окно после тренировки.

Кусочек книги John-Kiefer-The-Carb-Nite-Solution-eBook-Free-Download-PDF

Carb Back-Loading, take II - Много информации, много ссылок и исследований

Конспект книги Carb Nite Solution (CNS) + комментарии Ontario

Is Carb Nite® Right For You?

Форум, посвященный CBL и CNS

Book Excerpt: The Carb Nite Solution

Подкаст: John Kiefer & Dr. Rocky Patel отвечают на вопросы

Краткий обзор диеты Дэна Дюшена - How To Use The Body Opus Diet

Видео: результаты обратной углеводной загрузки

Структурированный рефид - часть 1

Про новую добавку, которую продает Кифер - Carb Shock.

The Power Of A Refeed And Leptin!

Effects of short-term carbohydrate or fat overfeeding on energy expenditure and plasma leptin concentrations in healthy female subjects.

Углеводная загрузка наоборот. Intermittent, low-carbohydrate diets more successful than standard dieting, study finds

12-недельная вариация углеводной загрузки

Анти-возрастной палео-протокол. A Dietary Protocol for Optimal Health, Body Composition, Longevity, and Satiety

Carb Back Loading по Квасневскому

Обсуждение "Углеводов на ночь" на форуме Квасневского.

The plan(s) that encompass what I colloquially call ‘Cheat Mode’ is merely a combination of leangains style Intermittent Fasting, with John Kiefer’s notion of Carb-backloading.

The Overfeeding Overview: High Fat, Carb, Protein, MCTs, Leptin, Testosterone, T3 & Reverse T3 - Get an Overview of the Consequences of Short- & Long-Term Overfeeding

Carbohydrates Past 6PM Will Make You ... Lean! Eating All Carbs in the Evening Increases Body Fat Loss by 28% Compared to Standard Low-Calorie Diet.



#p72480,Д.С. написал(а):

Эээ... http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif

Для этого сначала надо достичь этих 20% http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif



#p72484,Ontario написал(а):

Для этого сначала надо достичь этих 20% http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif

Это же не 10% и даже не 15 http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif



#p72485,Д.С. написал(а):

Это же не 10% и даже не 15 http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

И тем не менее я забуксовала http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif



#p72491,Ontario написал(а):

И тем не менее я забуксовала

это потому, что организм считает этот  процент для себя нормой. Все что будет ниже, будет восприниматься как насилие, комфортно худеть дальше вряд ли получится. Разок снизишь меньше 20% и все, дальше надо будет постоянно этот вес удерживать, т.е. периодически возвращаясь к суровым ограничениям. Потом новый вес станет восприниматься как норма и удерживать его будет легче. Но я вообще не верю, что есть легкие и комфортные пути, чтобы достичь чего-то экстраординарного.



#p72491,Ontario написал(а):

И тем не менее я забуксовала http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif

да нелениво... http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif ... и повторить... повышение чувствительности к лептину.

Какая чувствительность к нему - такой и % жира ненапряжный.

И второй пункт -  повышение окислительного потенциала мышц - т.е. специфические интервальные тренировки и статодинамика.

И третий - хороший уровень гормонов щитовидной железы.

четвертое. Что-то-ещё.

Но, конечно, не  бег и пр. мура.



Интересное примечание  by Jason Ferruggia.

Before beginning a fat loss routine you must take your temperature in the late afternoon or early
evening for 4 days straight and come up with an average number. If your number is in normal range
of 98.6 then you are fine and can begin your fat loss routine. If you are in the 97’s then your
metabolism has been reduced, if below 97 then your metabolism is in rough shape and needs fixing
before you can begin and the ONLY way to fix it is to OVEREAT for 2-4 weeks by 300-500 calories per
day. Not ideal if you want to lose weight, but it is the only way to make fat loss possible for you.
Retake your temperature at the end of this overeating and if it’s in the 98 degree range then you
need to maintain this caloric consumption for 3-4 weeks before you can start dieting for fat loss. 

Вопрос - где мерять? Куда вставлять?! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif

97 F- 36,11 C
98,6 F - 37 C
98 F - 36,67 C



#p72531,Д.С. написал(а):

Вопрос - где мерять? Куда вставлять?! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif

97 F- 36,11 C
98,6 F - 37 C
98 F - 36,67 C

Ой, как интересно, а дай ссылочку.
Если норма 37, то или рот, или попа.



#p72538,mp написал(а):

Ой, как интересно, а дай ссылочку.

Это краткий обзор



#p72539,Д.С. написал(а):

mp написал(а):

    Ой, как интересно, а дай ссылочку.

Это краткий обзор

а книжку читаль?



#p72554,mp написал(а):

а книжку читаль?

У меня стольо денег нету.
А в свободном доступе найти не удалось.
Но и так в его блоге много-много интересного можно наковырять. Но всюду натыкаешься на BUY NOW!!!!!!!  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/beee.gif  http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/bubu.gif



#p72538,mp написал(а):

Если норма 37, то или рот, или попа.

ухо еще



#p72531,Д.С. написал(а):

Интересное примечание  by Jason Ferruggia.

Да уж, интересное http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif
То есть не к врачу бежать проверять щитовидку, а увеличить калораж вместо этого?




Продвинутая концепция диеты v2.0 от Борже Фагерли. часть 1.

Цель многих тренирующихся может быть упрощенно представлена как "меньше жира, больше мышц". Многие люди шли по этому пути, некоторые добились результата у других не получилось. Тем не менее, слишком много тренирующихся пытаются работать с не структурированным и не проверенным планом, который в конечном итоге ведёт их в никуда.
После многих экспериментов, диалогов с "Четырех всадников (The Four Horsemen)" (Мартин Берхан, Лайл МакДональд и Алан Арагон) и интерпретации дополнительных исследований, мы представляем сообща мощный инструмент, чтобы помочь вам достичь ваших целей.

Мы представляем Продвинутую концепцию диеты v2.0.
Прежде чем продолжить чтение, я предполагаю, некоторый базовые понятия об управлении вашей диеты, с последующим переходом к концепция здоровья и фитнеса.
Вы должны установить "базовую" калорийность - примерное представление о том, сколько калорий вы должны потреблять.
С этого давайте и начнем.

Критическая анаболический импульс - Тренинг.Принято правда, что вы должны съесть углеводы и белки сразу после тренировки для оптимального восстановления и роста. Но нужно ли обязательно потреблять 100 гр быстро усваиваемых углеводов после тренировки, состоящей из нескольких жимов и подъёмов на бицепс? Нет, не обязательно.
Большая часть исследований о потребностях гликогена происходит от исследований работы на выносливость спортсменов, а не силовых тренировок. В контексте силовой тренировки, Лайл МакДональд считает, что около 5 гр гликогена требуется для 2 подходов по 10 повторений. Это конечно зависит от характера нагрузки (изоляции или свободный вес) и используемого повторного-диапазона (больше повторений значит больше гликогена используется). Этот вид углеводов требуется для силового тренировки. Типичная силовая тренировка редко потребляет более 30-60 гр гликогена. [1]
Низкие запасы гликогена не способствует приросту силы и/или мышечного роста. Таким образом, диеты с низким содержанием углеводов или кетогенные диеты не являются оптимальными, если вы хотите нарастить мышечную массу. Это потому, что статус гликогена в печени и мышцах предоставляет ряд ключевых гормональных сигналов, которые способствуют анаболизму или катаболизму.
В связи с этим, исследования и практический опыт показывает, что большинство ваших ежедневных калорий должны быть направлены в период после тренировки.
Сразу после тренировки, поглощение углеводов находится на пике, это результате повышенной чувствительности к инсулину и усвоения глюкозы мышечными волокнами через рецепторы GLUT-4. Чувствительность к инсулину является мерой того, насколько эффективно пища всасывается в клетки при заданной секреции инсулина. В этом случае, мышечные клетки имеют высокую чувствительность к инсулину, а жировые клетки имеют низкую чувствительность, калории преимущественно идут на восстановление и рост, а не на хранение жира.
Другими словами, с хорошей чувствительностью к инсулину, мы достигаем благоприятного усваивания пищи.
Интересно, избегая большого количества углеводов после окончания упражнений и потребляя только белок и жир это может поддерживать повышенную чувствительности к инсулину в течение примерно 12-24 часов. Тем не менее, нужно отметить, что повышенная чувствительность к инсулину не увеличивает синтез мышечных белков (механизм роста).
Наоборот, мы видим много больше пользы пополнения запасов гликогена после тренировки. Одно из этих преимуществ вращается вокруг ингибирования AMPK. AMPK является "датчиком энергии", что увеличивает время мышечного сокращения, тем более, после тренировки на выносливость. AMPK в свою очередь ингибирует mTOR, который является основным сигналом для роста мышц.
Делая тренинг разумно и избегая черезмерного тренировочного объёма (авто-регулирование), сосредоточившись после окончания упражнений на приеме пищи, мы можем уменьшить AMPK и увеличить mTOR, что в пользу роста мышц.
Хотя низкое потребление углеводов повышает окисление жира, похоже что не повлияет на это, принимаемое умеренное количество углеводов.(в отличие от выпитых залпом декстрозы масс-гейнера с 100-200гр углеводов)
Другой протокол для повышения чувствительности к инсулину, это интервальное голодание. Это включает в себя ежедневные периоды без пищи от 12 до 16-18 часов. Есть эволюционные причины, почему люди не должны начинать день с плотного завтрака, и это не редкость услышать, что люди жалуются на вялость и медлительность после утреннего приема пищи.
Тем не менее, этот протокол требует привыкания, особенно если вы привыкли завтракать. Гормон грелин, который связан с чувством голода, как правило выделяется в определенный период времени. Если вы обычно завтракаете в 7 утра, то ваш грелин вероятно будет выше базовой линии в это время, что приводит к чувству голода.
Хорошей новостью является то, что грелин является гибким гормоном в плане времени выделения, и через некоторое время (обычно 1-2 недели), приспосабливается к вашему новому пищевому поведению.
Следует отметить, что Мартин Берхан из leangains.com сторонник интервального голодания, он и его клиенты используют этот метод круглый год для поддержания низкого содержания жира в организме и при построении мышечной массы, увеличения силы. На лептин также скорее всего положительно влияет интервальное голодание, и это может объяснить, почему некоторые могут поддерживать тела с низким содержанием жира без типичных побочных эффектов.
Вопреки мифу о том, что более частое питание увеличивает метаболизм, на самом деле существует несколько преимуществ более редкого приема пищи.

Состав углеводов, белков и жиров.
Я разработал модель основанную на метаболических типах, которые я использовал, когда создал диету и фитнес-программы для клиентов. Статья находится в работе, но вот краткое резюме.
Большинство может определить как они относятся к питанию. По этим данным можно разделить людей на два типа: симпатико-доминантные (S) и парасимпатической доминантные (P).
Прежде чем пойти дальше, вы должны понять, что эти как и все модели вообще, предназначены для основы. Пока вы можете тяготеют к одному из вариантов, но конечная цель, чтобы вы смогли через планирование и исполнение, переключаться между ними по желанию.

Черты симпатическо доминирующие (S).
Высокая чувствительность к инсулину вместе с контролируемым и опосредованным окислением глюкозы. Буквально нагревается и имеет стабильную, высокую энергию после еды с большим количеством углеводов.
Выше выносливость с возможностью выдерживать больше тренировок, но может перетренироваться при сочетании высоко интенсивной и высоко объёмного тренинга. Как правило, аналитический, логический, предметно-ориентированный перфекционист, который любит планировать и быть готовым к любым неожиданностям. Комментарии: следить за отказом анализируя. Просыпается рано утром и часто предпочитает перекусить вместо полноценного приёма пищи. Как правило, держит под рукой соль и жир. Много соли и жира (например орехи), может привести к привычке, после сложно перестать постоянно это есть.
Некоторые исследования показывают, взаимосвязь между симпатическим доминированием и вероятностью получения расстройства пищевого поведения
Следует отметить важный фактор, что люди с симпатическим доминированием, как правило имеют более низкий уровень серотонина и высокий уровень кортизола. Потребление углеводов повышают серотонин и снижает уровень кортизола, что объясняет их поведение. Вывод в том, что такие люди не очень хорошо воспринимают низко углеводные диеты.
Большие количества упражнений, особенно кардио, также приведет к повышению уровня кортизола. Это в свою очередь приводит к задержке воды. Для разочарованного худеющего это настоящий психологический стресс, на который как ни парадоксально, они реагируют урезанием калорий (и углеводов) и увеличением физических упражнений.
Таким образом, низко углеводные диеты + тренинг с большим количеством кардио, плохо подходит для симпатически доминирующей личности.

Черты парасимпатическо доминирующие (P).
Обычно имеют мощное тело и низкую чувствительность к инсулину.
Обычно уставшие и раздутые после еды с большим количеством углеводов.
Взрывные с низкой выносливостью, должны привыкать к физической нагрузке в течение долгого времени.
Любят поднимать тяжести, но могут перегореть от максимального веса, большого объема тренинга и высокой частоты тренировок.
Авто регуляция почти необходима для данного типа.
Импульсивный, любит перемены, стремится действовать и вовлекаться, стремится получить вознаграждение в виде результатов.
Быстро устаёт, делая одно и то же.
Как правило смотрит на картину целиком и переполняется или теряет интерес от слишком больших подробностей.
Любит не спать ночью и спать по утрам.
Любит есть большие блюда, и лучше спит после обильного приема пищи перед сном.
Предпочитает соленые и жирные продукты.
Сладкие продукты, сахар и углеводы, особенно продукты из пшеницы, могут привести к зажёру, после трудно ему прекратить есть.
Уровень дофамина низкий и/или чувствительность дофаминовых рецепторов снижена у людей с парасимпатической доминантой.
Белок является питательным веществом, хорошо стимулирующее секрецию дофамина и следовательно, высоко белковая диета идеально подойдет для таких людей.
Этот тип личности к сожалению ошибочно диагностируется как СДВГ у детей, когда это может быть просто чувствительность к сахару, пшенице и углеводам.
Это тот случай, когда изменение в диете, может привести к радикальному (положительному) изменению в поведении.
Жир является более калорийным источником, так же он помогает уменьшить колебания сахара в крови. Это можно соотнести уровень деятельности с общим потреблением калорий.Такие люди, как правило преуспевают на низко углеводной диете и кетогенных диетах для потери жира. Однако с увеличением объема тренировки, потребность в углеводах может увеличиться, по этому регулярные углеводные загрузки, должны быть частью общей стратегии.



#p72516,Katarina написал(а):

это потому, что организм считает этот  процент для себя нормой.

Возможно ты и права, но только полагаться на мнение организма в этой области  мне не хочется как то, учитывая, что несколько лет назад он посчитал возможным разожраться до 82кг, и если бы я не спохватилась тогда, то была бы я сейчас кг 100 весом, а организм продолжал бы это считать нормой.  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif
И потом 27% жира мне кажется с большой натяжкой можно считать нормой. 20-22% это уже норма будет.

#p72525,Д.С. написал(а):

Какая чувствительность к нему - такой и % жира ненапряжный.

Да я повышаю-повышаю в меру своих возможностей, но  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/madhouse/dash2.gif



#p72586,Ontario написал(а):

mp написал(а):
Если норма 37, то или рот, или попа.
ухо еще

Блин, до греха доводите! http://forums.gavrikoff.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tro.gif

Анехдот 16+

Молодожены по-всякому извращаются. Супруг: "А давай в ухо??" Супруга (в ужасе): "А вдруг оглохну??" Супруг (удивленно): "Но утром же не онемела?!" http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/7/95/239/95239460_1356036405_Girl_Zasmuschalas_.gif  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/laugh1.gif



Низкоуглеводные диеты и спортивная результативность. История углеводной загрузки

Опубликовано на сайте HARDGAINER.RU - бодибилдинг и фитнес для любителей
Автор: Энси Мэнинен (Anssi H. Manninen) | Источник: Muscular Development, #3, 2006

Основные сведения о метаболизме углеводов

Более известная, как кровяной сахар, глюкоза служит источником энергии для организма. Гликоген - это форма хранения глюкозы. Печень хранит 1/3 запасов гликогена, высвобождая глюкозу по мере необходимости. Мышечные клетки также содержат гликоген (остальные 2/3), но используют их для собственных нужд во время работы мышц.

Если вы следуете диете, содержащей углеводы (не кетогенной), клетки мозга и нервной системы в основном получают энергию из глюкозы, которая посредством кровотока доставляется из желудочно-кишечного тракта (углеводы из пищи) или печени (в ходе процессов расщепления гликогена или синтеза глюкозы).

"Здоровая" высокоуглеводная и низкожировая диета - миф

Живые существа лучше функционируют только на той диете, к которой они адаптировались в ходе эволюции. По всем признакам homo sapiens (анатомически современный человек) биологически остался таким же, по крайней мере, за 50 000 лет. Переход от охоты и собирательства к оседлому образу жизни начался всего лишь 10 000 лет назад.

Постепенно наша диета начала отходить от той, по которой питались наши предки. Биологически неправдоподобно, чтобы живое существо, адаптировавшееся к высокопротеиновой диете 5 миллионов лет, внезапно за 10 000 лет превратилось в эффективного сжигателя углеводов. Заметьте, как только охотники и собиратели начали переходить на сельскохозяйственную зерновую диету, общее здоровье популяции начало ухудшаться.

Высокоуглеводные диеты, снижающие уровень полезного холестерина и повышающие уровень триглицеридов (вредных кровяных липидов), усилили метаболические проявления синдрома инсулинорезистентности. Хотя это и игнорируется приверженцами высокоуглеводной и низкожировой диеты, все жиры повышают уровень полезного холестерина. Их потенциал в этом смысле распределяется так: насыщенные жиры лучше мононенасыщенных, которые в свою очередь лучше полиненасыщенных.

Абсолютно ясно, что замена всех жиров (при любом их соотношении) углеводами приводит к значительному снижению уровня холестерина. В самом деле, последние исследования в области потребления углеводов и их связи с развитием сердечных заболеваний и диабета второго типа были весьма интересными, показав, что рост потребления углеводов повышает частоту обоих заболеваний. Так называемая "здоровая для сердца" диета Американской Сердечной Ассоциации (AHA), поддержанная борцами за права животных и вегетарианцами, не является ничем иным, как мифом.

Контроль веса был основным предназначением высокоуглеводных и низкожировых диет, но доктора Уиллет (Willet) и Лейбел (Leibel) из Гарвардской Школы Общественного Здоровья пришли к заключению, что потребление жиров в диапазоне от 18 до 40% от общего калоража мало влияет на жировые депозиты организма. Они считают, что диеты, богатые жирами, не являются основной причиной ожирения, а снижение содержания жиров в рационе проблемы не решит.

Недавнее ревю в "Cochrane" заключило, что низкожировые диеты не лучше, чем низкокалорийные в плане достижения стабильного снижения веса полных и страдающих ожирением людей. Фактически, в ходе эксперимента больше веса потеряли участники контрольной группы. В этом смысле низкожировые диеты, направленные на снижение веса, проверки не прошли, потому что оказались не более эффективными, чем контрольные.

В связи с этим прогрессивные ученые и врачи начинают подвергать сомнению правильность широко рекомендуемых низкожировых и высокоуглеводных диет. Например, доктор Силван Вайнберг (Sylvan Weinberg), бывший президент Американского Колледжа Кардиологии, заявляет, что высокоуглеводные и низкожировые диеты не могут больше защищаться авторитетом престижных медицинских организаций. Согласно доктору Вайнбергу, высокоуглеводные и низкожировые диеты играют не последнюю роль в разыгравшейся эпидемии ожирения, липидных отклонениях, диабете второго типа и метаболическом синдроме.

И наоборот, недавние клинические исследования подтвердили эффективность высокопротеиновых и низкоуглеводных диет для снижения веса и сжигания жира, улучшения чувствительности к инсулину, гликемического контроля и профиля липидов. Высокопротеиновые и низкоуглеводные диеты в самом деле имеют "метаболические преимущества" - превосходящую потерю веса из расчета на потребляемую калорию по сравнению с низкокалорийными, высокоуглеводными диетами.

Однако, согласно мнению большинства спортивных специалистов, высокоуглеводная диета просто необходима для получения оптимальной результативности в спорте. Поэтому я решил написать историю углеводной загрузки.

История углеводной загрузки

Свернутый текст

Группа скандинавских ученых в 1967 году под руководством Йонаса Бергштрема (Jonas Bergstrom) провела классическое исследование влияния упражнений и манипуляций с углеводами на уровень запасов гликогена в мышцах. Ключевыми выводами стали следующие:

    Упражнения до истощения значительно снижают уровень мышечного гликогена
    В условиях питания по высокожировой и высокопротеиновой (без углеводов) диете распад гликогена минимален
    Экстремально высокоуглеводная диета (90%) быстро восстанавливает запасы гликогена - предтренировочный уровень достигается в течение суток.

Доктор Бергштрем с коллегами показали еще и то, что, если атлетов перевести на высокожировую (90%), низкоуглеводную диету, их показатели значительно снижаются по сравнению с тем периодом, когда они тренировались на фоне высокоуглеводной диеты. Более того, было замечено, что, чем меньше инициальные запасы гликогена, тем ниже способность атлетов поддерживать высокую скорость к концу забега. Но даже в этом случае, скорость поддерживалась на высоком уровне в первый час забега. Другими словами, высокое содержание гликогена в мышцах не позволяло субъектам демонстрировать в начале забега более высокую скорость, чем при низком инициальном уровне гликогена.

Тем не менее, был сделан следующий вывод: атлеты, особенно выносливостных видов спорта, должны следовать высокоуглеводной диете. Фактически эта рекомендация сформировала центральную ось, вокруг которой была построена вся стратегия "традиционного" спортивного питания: "Ешьте тонну макарон перед тренировкой, выпивайте 18 литров Gatorade во время нее, а после съедайте 245 картофелин". Однако, как указывает доктор Тимоти Нокс (Timothy Noakes), известный физиолог мышечных сокращений и спортивный врач из Южной Африки, только два исследования, изучавших методы углеводной загрузки, использовали контрольную группу плацебо, и оба не смогли показать преимущества высокого потребления углеводов.

Более того, классические исследования углеводной загрузки, выявившие тесную связь между предтренировочным уровнем мышечного гликогена и последующими результатами тренировки, освещали лишь краткосрочный эффект - тот, который длился несколько дней. Однако доказательств того, что атлеты могут адаптироваться к низкоуглеводной диете без ущерба для показателей выносливости, становится все больше. Было доказано, что полная адаптация углеводного, протеинового и жирового обмена веществ требует нескольких недель. Идея, что спортивная результативность снижается только тогда, когда достигается определенная (критически низкая) концентрация мышечного гликогена, неприменима к субъектам, адаптировавшимся к низкоуглеводной диете.

Доктор Хельге (J.W. Helge) и коллеги пришли к выводу, что кроме углеводов, существуют и другие факторы, несущие ответственность за различия в показателях выносливости между группами высоко- и низкоуглеводной диеты. Результаты исследования также показывают, что утомление в ходе продолжительных с умеренной интенсивностью упражнений не всегда связано с истощением запасов гликогена. Тем не менее, последнее издание классического учебника по физиологии известных скандинавских ученых утверждает: "Имеющиеся данные позволяют утверждать, что при усилиях, превышающих 75% от максимального потребления кислорода, инициальные запасы гликогена в скелетных мышцах определяют способность индивидуума поддерживать выработку таких усилий более часа".

Кетогенные диеты, результативность тренинга и композиция тела

Когда мобилизация жирных кислот из жировых волокон усилена, как при низкоуглеводной диете (кетогенной), печень производит кетонные тела. Однако она не способна их утилизировать, и они отправляются в другие волокна (мозг, мышцы) для использования в качестве источника энергии. Таким образом, глюкоза экономится посредством механизма, сходного с тем, который сохраняет глюкозу, сжигая жирные кислоты в качестве альтернативного топлива. В самом деле, кетонные тела заменяют большую часть глюкозы, необходимой мозгу.

Не путайте диабетический кетоацидоз с диетарным кетозом! Диабетики знают, что присутствие в урине кетонных тел служит предупреждающим сигналом о том, что диабет плохо контролируется. Однако в период минимального потребления углеводов регулируемое и контролируемое производство кетонных тел вызывает безопасное физиологическое состояние, известное как диетарный кетоз. В этом случае рН крови остается в пределах нормы.

Недавно доктор Стефан Финни (Stephen Phinney) опубликовал замечательное исследование кетогенных диет и спортивной результативности. Согласно Финни, опыт эскимосской культуры показывает, что адаптация, оптимизация потребления натрия и калия, и ограничение потребления протеина до 15-25% от дневного калоража позволяет сохранять выносливость, несмотря на диетарный кетоз.

В 1980 году доктор Финни с коллегами предприняли исследование субъектов, питавшихся по экстремально низкоуглеводной диете на протяжении шести недель. Протеин вместе с небольшим количеством жира поступал из постного мяса, рыбы и птицы в количестве 1,2 грамма на килограмм рекомендованного ("идеального") веса в день. Важно то, что, кроме того, субъектам предписывались 3 грамма натрия и 1 грамм калия (избыток натрия в урине мог снизить объем крови и вызвать вторичные потери калия).

За шесть недель безуглеводной, очень низкокалорийной диеты, пиковая аэробная мощность субъектов не снизилась. Это говорит о том, что протеиновое и минеральное содержание диеты было адекватным для предохранения функциональных волокон. Однако нужно заметить, что участники эксперимента перенесли отставленную адаптацию к кетогенной диете, в первую неделю показав снижение выносливости, которая впоследствии восстановилась.

В 2001 году Нутрициональный Комитет AHA ошибочно сообщил, что низкоуглеводное питание ведет к прогрессирующей потере мышечной массы. Скорее всего, такие выводы возникли после проведения плохо контролировавшегося "Индюшачьего эксперимента", результаты которого были опубликованы в "New England Journal of Medicine" в 1980 году. Авторы исследования сообщили, что субъекты, питавшиеся исключительно по протеиновой диете теряли азот (мышечную массу), но задерживали калий. Однако, согласно доктору Финни, потери калия и азота тесно связаны, поскольку оба элемента содержатся в сухих волокнах. Аномалия произошла потому, что авторы посчитали, что потребление калия субъектами основывается на табличных данных для сырого мяса индейки, но нужно знать, что половина калия уходит в бульон, который субъекты не потребляли. Лишенные калия, участники эксперимента не смогли извлечь пользу из диетарного протеина и поэтому теряли мышечную массу.

В результате второго исследования доктор Финни с коллегами сообщили, что субъекты потеряли 0,7кг веса в первую неделю кетогенной диеты, после чего вес оставался стабильным. Исследователи наблюдали снижение запасов гликогена, но в остальном сухая масса тела сохранялась. Мощность субъектов в спринте оставалась пониженной весь период ограничения углеводов.

Позже доктор Джеф Волек (Jeff Volek) с коллегами изучили влияние шестинедельной экстремально низкоуглеводной диеты на общую и региональную композицию тела. Двенадцать здоровых, нормального веса мужчин переключились с привычной диеты (48% углеводов) на низкоуглеводную (8% углеводов) на период в шесть недель. Восемь мужчин вошли в контрольную группу, питавшуюся обычным образом. Субъектам предписывалось потреблять адекватное количество пищи для поддержания массы тела. К шестой неделе жировая масса значительно снизилась (-3,4 кг), а сухая масса возросла (+1,1 кг). В контрольной группе изменений композиции тела отмечено не было.

Согласно доктору Финни, "имеющиеся данные позволяют предположить, что субмаксимальные выносливостные показатели могут сохраняться, несмотря на исключение углеводов из диеты человека... Терапевтическое использование кетогенных диет (например, для сжигания жира) не должно подразумевать ограничение большинства форм физического труда или рекреационной активности из-за опасений, что анаэробные (тренинг с отягощениями или спринт) показатели снизятся в результате понижения уровня мышечного гликогена, вызываемого кетогенной диетой, что дает зеленый свет ее применению в большинстве видов соревновательного спорта".

По-моему, экстремально низкоуглеводные диеты лучше работают для людей, которые хотят избавиться от лишнего жира при помощи умеренной физической активности. Если вы хотите попробовать, то вам придется изменить программу тренировок с отягощениями. Например, лучше будет сконцентрироваться на тяжелых весах и низком числе повторений (от 3 до 8), потому что энергия для подобной активности черпается из запасов фосфокреатина. Фосфокреатин служит клеточным энергетическим резервуаром для получения "быстрой" энергии для ресинтеза АТФ, высокоэнергетических молекул, обеспечивающих потребности клеток в горючем. Это более быстрый способ, чем регенерация АТФ путем расщепления гликогена (гликогенолиз). Поэтому фосфокреатин становится особенно важным при выработке максимальных усилий, длящихся до десяти секунд.

Потребление креатина моногидрата в дозах от 20 до 30 грамм в день на протяжении двух недель увеличивает внутримышечную концентрацию свободного креатина и фосфокреатина на 30%. Именно поэтому креатин служит эффективной пищевой добавкой к низкоуглеводной диете. Также необходимо следить за адекватным потреблением калия и натрия.

Однако серьезным атлетам, заинтересованным в мышечном росте, следует потреблять достаточно углеводов, чтобы обеспечить оптимальную результативность тренировок. Хотя жюри пока еще не вынесло окончательного решения, есть доказательства того, что потребление углеводов до, во время и после тренировок с отягощениями может затормозить истощение запасов гликогена в ходе упражнений и способствовать его распаду после.

В животном мире встречаются примеры питания выдающихся "атлетов", потребляющих смесь различных злаков (арабские скакуны), в основном протеин и жир (африканские охотничьи собаки) и много жира, умеренно протеина при полном отсутствии углеводов (хаски Аляски). Интересно, что спортивные показатели хаски немедленно падают при переходе на высокоуглеводную диету, а породистые рысаки подвергаются риску развития синдрома распада мышц. Самое время подчеркнуть метаболическую индивидуальность человека. Кроме того, не стоит доверять всем и вся. Тот факт, что нынешние нутрициональные рекомендации перегружены предрассудками, говорит о следующем - перед нами пример, чего не нужно делать. Hardgainer.RU


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    Aljada A, Mohanty P, Dandona P (2003). Lipids, carbohydrates, and heart disease. Metab Synd Relat Disord,1:185-188.
    Noakes T (2003). Lore of Running. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
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    Phinney SD (2004). Ketogenic diets and physical performance. Nutr Metab, 1:2.
    Phinney SD, Horton ES, Sims EAH et al. (1980). Capacity for moderate exercise in obese subjects after adaptation to a hypocaloric ketogeni diet. J Clin Invest, 66:1152-1161.
    Phinney SD, Bistrian BR, Evans WJ et al. (1983). The human metabolic response to chronic ketosis without calorix restriction: preservation of submaximal exercise capability with reduced carbohydrate oxidation. Metabolism, 32:769-776.
    Volek JS, Sharman MJ, Love DM et al. (2002). Body composition and hormonal responses to a carbohydrate-restricted diet. Metabolism, 51:864-870
    Volek JS (2004). Influence of nutrition on responses to resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36:689-696.



Вот сегодня на местном форуме один выложил кучу текста. Я ничерта не понял, но вроде что-то интересное)))) Если что удалите пожалуйста)))


Body IO FM 32 – Dr. Bill Lagakos

•(Bill Lagakos is the author of The Poor Misunderstood Calorie)
•Kiefer brought Bill on because of the great critique articles he wrote
•Kiefer appreciated the critique and recognized that there were a lot of valid points
•Kiefer also really liked the fact that Bill actually read his book, (Carb Back-Loading)
•Bill is a great guest because his work is all about delineating how different things affect nutrient partitioning (how nutrients are stored in fat vs muscle etc.), and how calories by themselves aren’t sufficient.
•Now they’re discussing the study quoted by Saab (sp?) – One of the first studies talked about in the critique, the selection criteria was broad.
•Kiefer brings up the “insulin paradox” which is where people who are gaining weight develop increased insulin sensitivity at night
•Bill was not aware of the “insulin paradox” but brings up that Saab actually confirms a lot of what CBL says, like glucose clearance being better in the AM.
•Kiefer was suspicious of the paper because the BMIs had such a wide range.
•Kiefer stresses that as people gain adiposity (fat) everything starts to change and it’s important to keep this in context.
•Bill clarifies that ‘insulin sensitivity’ doesn’t mean the same thing in all tissues: in skeletal muscle tissue it means glucose clearance, for the liver it means supression of hepatic glucose production, and for fat tissue, insulin has an anti-lipolytic and enhances fatty tissue uptake. With blood measures, when people are exposed to insulin, if you see suppression of free fatty acids, this is an indicator of adipose tissue insulin sensitivity.
•Kiefer brings up the work he’s seen that if you introduce carbs earlier in the day, that you suppress lipolysis later in the day – and he wonders if this could’ve skewed the results of the paper
•Kiefer and Bill agree that a lot more research needs to be done in these areas, and that the details are painfully nuanced.
•Rocky chimes in that CBL and CNS will have different effects on people who are obese, and so CBL may not work well for obese folks.
•Bill has not read The Carb Nite Solution
•Bill’s followup critique on CBL is based on his interest in circadian rhythms, but has found that adipose tissue seems to have increased insulin sensitivity as the day progresses, going in the opposite direction of skeletal muscle. He does qualify that the studies he’s refering to measure things differently so teasing out the data requiers a very nuanced effort, so he is still very cautious of the results.
•It’s important to examine the population that is being selected for
•Rocky says that because he is a family physician, his patient population is skewed towards diabetes, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, so CBL isn’t the best protocol for them, but Carb Nite is very effective. So the population that is being selected for actually gets lost when analyzing all of these papers.
•Bill admits that the population subject wasn’t something he took into account, and re-examining one of the papers that he quoted, he now sees that the patient population was in females with gestational diabetes, which is not very applicable to the general population.
•Kiefer says he should’ve been more clear at the beginning of his books that, there are still a lot of issues that still need to be addressed, and when these issues are addressed, it’s mostly done in sick populations that are metabolically deranged. We don’t address them in healthier people that work out. Kiefer refers to studies that are done in athletes that show that if someone is a highly trained athlete, it almost doesn’t matter what the composition of their diet is. It’s only the calories that matter that determine whether they gain or lose the same amount and type of weight.
•So if you talk to someone who only works with athletes, who only preach calories in and calories out, that reflects their experience… but is not applicable to the general population, because these people never step out of that population that they normally work with
•Kiefer asks Bill why he started to deviate from the conventional western scientific approach to nutrition.
•Bill said because his main focus was in biochemistry and molecular biology without much exposure to dieticians, and nutrition was just a side interest, he just somehow ‘miraculously avoided’ being exposed to the conventional wisdom paradigms (heart healthy diet, low fat diet, etc.)
•Now Kiefer asks about Bills’ conclusion that to minimize storage of carbs in adipose tissue, it’s best to eat carbs before working out… because Kiefer is completely on the opposite side of that.
•Bill says he doesn’t feel very strongly about it, and says that he doesn’t think it will affect things very much if you eat carbs 40 min before or 40 min after working out.
•Bill also says he appreciates the impact that exercising in the fasted state will have, ie increaed lipolysis, increased autnomic nervous system activation, he was just thinking that maybe to preserve lean mass.
•Kiefer says that he’s read that if you have low insulin and low blood glucose levels going into training, your muscles are more sensitive to adrenaline and you have a larger and more rapid release of adrenaline. Kiefer thought this was a superphysiological state, but now realizes that this might be the baseline state that you want because in order to mobilize intramuscular glycogen stores, that relies heavily on muscular sensitivity to adrenaline.
•He says he missed this the first time around, and this is why you don’t want carbs around from recently consumed food so you can preserve the muscular sensitivity to adrenaline. Unfortunately, Kiefer says he doesn’t have any direct studies comparing performance over the short term from switching from carbs before training vs just making sure glycogen levels are full before training.
•Bill’s take on this is that it sounds very reasonable, and clarifies that at this point they are talking about two different patient populations. What Kiefer’s talking about is more applicable to heavy lifters and athletes, whereas who Bill is targeting people who’s goal is low insulin levels as much as possible… and that if these folks take carbs before working out, the workout induced adrenaline release will attenuate the effects of the released insulin.
•Kiefer responds that in this case, when adrenaline and insulin are essentially fighting against each other, neither one can do their job well.
•Bill concedes that this makes sense.
•Kiefer says that despite not having clinical trials and research, he’s noticed that a lot of people report in the first few weeks of CBL, they’ve seen noticeable increases in strength, which he posits can be due to the increased sensitivity to adrenaline during the workout.
•This is one of the main reasons Kiefer recommends no carbs before training… because of the performance advantage
•Kiefer also says that you can argue that being able to deplete intramuscular glycogen helps preserve lean mass better than trying to introduce amino acids… we still need more research in this… but there are clues pointing to this now.
•Kiefer now brings up NMR glycogen studies post exercise. Bill is not aware of these studies. Kiefer says that the NMR studies show real time glycogen recompensation and what the major factors are. There are great studies showing that there is a 30-45 min window immediately post workout where glycogen repletion is completely insulin independent. And then after this window, for the next 2-3 hours, glycogen repletion is completely insulin dependent.
•So there is a small window for the non-insulin mediated GLUT 4 translocation, which is why it’s important to eat carbs immediately after workout.
•Kiefer notes that Alan Aragon… and another guy who argue that it’s not important to eat anything at all after training, fail to mention these NMR studies because it will invalidate their arguements.
•Kiefer asks Bill what his PhD work was in… he studied animal intestinal absorption of dietary fats… unfortunately none of this work is applicable to us now
•Bill says our body is exceptionally good at absorbing fat. We could eat a pound of butter and absorb the entire thing… without wasting a drop!
•Kiefer asks if there is an upper limit to fat absorption because of the forums guy (man.. this dude get so many mentions in these podcasts!) who was consuming 6000 calories of olive oil, and after a month he complained because he didn’t lose any weight… despite not gaining weight.
•Bill says, he’s guessing the dude absorbed all the fat he was consuming, then Bill quotes a study from 70 years ago where they gave a guy 500 gm of butter in a single feeding, and weren’t recovering any fat in feces.
•Bill says we are capable of absorbing so much fat because our bodies have a lot of enzymatic redundancies to process it.
•Alex asks if the body has a preference for a type of fat to absorb or if it’s all absorbed the same.
•Bill responds by saying that the longer the fatty acid chain and the more saturated it is, the worse it’s absorbed. And these are quick to form calcium soaps… Overall, these fats are not very soluble.
•Kiefer and Bill discuss the ‘2nd meal effect’ which helps explain why after eating a mixed meal, can get a somewhat fast rise in blood fatty acids… despite the fact that it takes a long time for ingested fat to be absorbed and processed through the intestinal cells and lymphatics and liver. The fast rise in blood fatty acids is because there are intestinal cells that store fat and immediately release them immediately after a meal.
•Bill confirms that these ‘intestinal lipid droplets’ is a brand spanking new field (Kiefer really is on the cutting edge…)
•Kiefer talks about a study, that showed that the insulin index of the meal you eat before going to bed will predict and effect the insulin released of your breakfats next morning. So if you have a very insulin stimulating food before going to bed, your insulin release with breakfast is higher than someone who had a low insulin release before bed. This starts to skew some of the stuff you’d look at with circadian rhythms.
•Rocky is amazed at the volume of Bills tweets (I agree… so many links and studies sent out per day!)
•Bill’s current interest is in the circadian rhythms and how essential it is to have a good nights sleep.
•Bill discusses a study in which all the participants started out losing weight, all eating isocaloric identical diet. Had half sleep 5.5 hrs a night and half sleep 8.5 hrs a night. Amazing that the short sleepers lost way more muscle and way less fat than the long sleepers.
•This one detail illustrates how important it is to have good sleep.
•Kiefer wants to know if this was a mixed diet in this study.
•Turns out… yes.. it was a mixed diet, and probably high carb.
•Kiefer argues that sleep is not as important as we make out because, if you’re on a mixed diet and you are not getting enough sleep, on average your cortisol levels will rise. Cortisol in a vacuum is actually pretty good because it stimulates release of glucagon, stimulates lipolysis, and stimulates gluconeogenesis from protein break down (I’m not too sure about the benefits of this last item).
•But when you introduce insulin into the picture, cortisol shifts towards more negative aspects of metabolism. Glucagon is no longer as effective in breaking down glycogen for sugar but is more effective in breaking down protein for sugar. When cortisol and insulin are together, they prevent lipolysis and stimulate pre-adipocytes to differentiate into mature adipocytes.
•Kiefer argues that if you are on a low carb, ketogenic diet, you would be more able to hormonally deal with deviations in sleep patterns.
•Bill agrees that this makes sense.
•Kiefer says he notices that when he goes through periods of sleep deprivation he experiences more fat loss than at any other time… he eat’s very low carb a lot of the time when he’s doing this.
•Rocky says he was going to say the exact same thing.
•Bill currently spending a lot of time working on his next book about nutrition and circadian rhythms… which is just about done. He’s about to send it out to publishers.

Body IO FM 33 – Mark Sisson

•(Mark Sisson is the author of one of my favorite books, The Primal Blueprint)
•Kiefer asks what’s the difference between paleo and primal
•Mark says the difference is becoming thinner and thinner… primal initially started out as a kinder gentler paleo.
•Primal started out as a full on lifestyle, how we move, how we sleep, play, sun exposure, microbes in the dirt… all manner of things far beyond the diet
•Initially paleo was just about diet… but now more about lifestyle
•The original paleo was lean meats to avoid saturated fats, avoid all dairy, all grains, all legumes, all alcohol… which made it really restrictive.
•When Mark developed primal, he didn’t want it to be about struggle and sacrifice, so he crafted his eating strategy to include as many foods as possible. He was a big proponent of saturated fat early on, provided you get rid of sugars and starches. He also looked at research on red wine that suggested that a little bit of consumption is ok, and he considered it a sensible indulgence.
•With dairy, and lactose intolerance… everyone is lactose tolerant when born, the fact that you lose it over the rest of your life is sort of an anomaly. You can actually maintain it with continuous dairy intake. For people who are lactose tolerant, there’s no reason to avoid dairy… especially things like whole fat milk and cream and butter.. things that don’t have too much casein.
•With this program, there was opportunity to eat a lot of things that the original paleo diet didn’t allow.
•Over time, paleo has started moving towards primal allowing dairy back in and saturated fats…
•Rocky says this all looks straight forward and then asks where it all goes sideways
•Mark replies that it goes sideways when people become dogmatic. This is one reason he employs the 80/20 rule.
•Kiefer has moved back to bay area, not paying attention to his diet, and is just walking alot… and still in great shape. The only limitation he puts on himself is that when he eats carbs… he only eats it at night. And every once in a while he even breaks this rule.
•Kiefer just once wants to eat with people who aren’t allergic to everything
•With the gluten free crowd, while Mark thinks that some people really do have serious issues, most people can probably get away with a lot more than they think they can.
•Kiefer asks about Marks opinion on the whole casein and A1 and A2 cow thing.
•Mark says the A2 thing is really starting to pick up. There’s a company now called A2, and there are lobbying efforts in Australia. He thinks there’s something to this idea that some people have a difficult time digesting casein from A1 cows, and that there’s a lot of work investigating this, but Mark hasn’t seen enough of this to be thoroughly convinced of this…
•Rocky agrees with this position…
•Rocky brings up his observation that there is a subpopulation who go paleo/primal/low carb who develop abnormalities in their lipids (like me!) and Dr. Gundry alluded to the notion that this A1 casein issue may play a roll in the abnormal lipids. Dr. Gundry said that when he removed A1 casein from these folks, it resolved the lipids.
•Rocky says he tried removing A1 casein for a month, but it didn’t really make a difference… but it might not have been a long enough time
•Mark doesn’t think the lipids thing is related to A1.
•Neither Mark nor Kiefer nor Rocky drink milk…. they do drink heavy cream, have butter, and cheese… but these are very casein depleted
•Mark says that he’s ok now with certain types of beans because of their resistant starch, and the pendulum against beans is now swinging back
•Mark refers to the carboyhydrate curve he created and says that most people don’t really need to eat more than 150 gm of carbs.. unless they are very physical workers like dock workers, or very high intensity athletes
•Kiefer goes on about his ideas on the microbiome… when we our healthy, our gut bacteria adapts and becomes healthy, when we our unhealthy, our gut bacteria then becomes unhealthy
•They all agree on importance and benefits of becoming a fat burner, and not dependent on carbs.
•Mark says one of the reasons we get sick is because stress is an immunosuppresor. If you are a sugar burner and don’t eat for a few hours, the brain which is now used to a regular supply of glucose and doesn’t know how to use ketones, the brain induces adrenal gland release cortisol which has lots of detrimental effects: induces gluconeogenesis to break down muscle tissue into amino acids to make more glucose for the brain; stops all growth processes, so bones won’t take in calcium.. which is partially why women who are under stress so much now have low bone density; and cortisol suppresses the immune system
•Glad Kiefer brings up the stuff he was talking about with Bill Lagakos, about how the new research is showing that cortisol actually isn’t that bad, UNLESS we are a primary sugar burner. If we are a primary fat burner, cortisol actually does some great things… it helps us tap into glycogen stores, release body fat more effectively, and is not immunosuppressive.
•Kiefer says he’s been able to improve the performance of folks, like marathon runners by getting them into fat burning mode, and then super compensating them with carbs the day before the event, so that during the event all they need is water. They have access to their fat stores AND their glycogen stores.
•Mark refers to Ben Greenfield’s prior experiment duing a ketogenic iron-man who eventually needed gels to get him through the race
•Mark also talks about fatchancerow.org about folks who rowed from California to Hawaii on a ketogenic diet.
•Mark says it seems like the longer the distance of the event, the more it makes sense to ditch carbs in your training, and thinks that we’re going to start seeing world records fall as more people take advantage of this… but at that high level will also need cyclic ketogenesis to optimize mitochondrial biogenesis
•The field of low carb training but utilizing carbohydrate management during the event itself is becoming more exciting.. GLYCOGEN MANAGEMENT
•Kiefer talks about mitochondria and says carb proponents don’t realize that as carbs are metabolized and converted into pyruvate to be burned in the citric acid cycle, the metabolites formed can actually damage the electron transporters of the mitochondrial membrane, so you get carbonylation, which decreases the efficiency of the mitochondria to produce ATP.
•So when you train without carbs, not only do you get more mitochondria, but you also get mitrochondria that are more efficient at generating ATP.

Body IO FM 34 – Laura Schoenfeld
• She posted an article that ignited controversy about why ketosis isn’t appropriate for everyone.
•She’s from wwwancestralizeme.com
•Kiefer is ok with ancestral but not paleo… (Hard for me to understand the difference between the two).
•She wrote article in response to clients that she’s been working with since February… (She’s still a newbie).
•A lot of her clients going on super low carb diets, feeling like crap, fertility issues, adding 50-80gm carbs per day times around their workouts helped changed a lot of their symptoms.
•People who crossfit 4x a week are actually training more than some athletes… And eating super low carb without adequate 1-2 year adaptation period are just asking to be sick.
•Kiefer goes on a little rant against BP coffee.
•He had colleague frustrated about not losing weight on Carb Nite, so kiefer recommended to increase fat intake to around 70% of calories. Just Jack up the fat.
•After three days a calorie deficit can have a hormonal effect.
•She’s found harder time to convince women to up their calories, but guys are excited about eating more.
•Rocky says that with Carb Nite he doesn’t see thyroid deviations in lab values…. But they have subjective hypothyroid symptoms, and he uses this as a sign to do something different, like upping the calories. Usually the thing is that they need more fat.
•Rocky doesn’t do rt3, which is not covered by insurance, because it is experimental and can cost 200-300$ (It’s only $59 on Requestatest.com, which is what I use).
•She says there is theory that low carb can cause increased RT3 with normal TSH and free T3, because of the cortisol changes with low carb diet.
•Kiefer goes into his cortisol thing on how it is actually a really good hormone when in absence of carbs and insulin.
•But if we are in a state where we are calorie limited or fat limited, then this is what can screw up the cortisol issues.
•Rocky asks if Laura has ever tried to increase caloric load rather than adding carbs in first… And she hasn’t tried it.
•Main issues Laura has seen are mental health and energy related when they go low carb… And it might not be worth losing weight if this is the cost.
•Kiefer says a lot of the things being said have become dogmatic.. Some of the stuff Chris kresser has written and what keto people say.
•Her strategy when adding carbs is to do add it at night and/or after a workout.
•Kiefer tries not to eat vegetables now unless it is super palatable…
•He had a salmon salad and his gut was wrecked for days… (Wow, sounds like he has a fragile system, or maybe just doesn’t do well with seafood salads!)
•Seems like the theme of this entire podcast is that diet is individual, and you need to experiment around with it
•Kiefer likes Laura’s idea that it might be the drastic changes in diets and how that effects gut biome, that causes their problems.
•Laura discusses new lab working on fecal transplants. Weird that some people ask Laura about DIY fecal transplants.
•Kiefer talks about the latest irrational food fear is gluten or dairy. Kiefer blames paleo for this
•Kiefer will get a bag of 4-6 filet o fish every couple of months.

Body IO FM 35 – Are Artificial Sweeteners That Bad?

•They are focused on sucralose
•Kiefer uses this as another opportunity to rail against paleo because of the recent stuff coming out on how sucralose can affect the gut biome.
•Kiefer says that at the end of they day, things are just not that complex.
•Now Rocky has joined Kiefer’s thinking about not putting that much emphasis on vegetables
•Kiefer says he will eat vegetables if he likes them, but won’t go out of his way to eat them
•(Kiefer also really likes to bring Alan Aragon… almost one mention per podcast!)
•Latest Nature article looking at saccharine, aspartame, and sucralose and also a water group, sucrose group, and glucose group. Done in rats. They suggested that the rats who had saccharine had greatest glycemic response to a glucose tolerance compared to the other mice.
•They found that the gut biome had changed in these rats as well as the rats that received sucralose. Then they did fecal transplant into other rats and they also became glucose intolerant.
•They also transplanted feces from humans that ate sweeteners into rats, and induced same glycemic changes in those rats
•Rocky talks about the scatter graph that actually wasn’t very impressive
•Kiefer says there are receptors for the sweet taste from the tongue all the way through to the colon. And sweetness can trigger up-regulation of glucose and sodium co-transporters in the GI tract. So there may be feedback between bacteria and these transporters. This can be a possible explanation for these changes
•In the study, aspartame had the least response.
•Kiefer railing against Paleo’s crusade against things that are artificial, especially if it doesn’t take into account the dose or concentration. It’s just stupid to think artificial = poison and natural = healthy. Apple seeds and peach pits have cyanide… and are natural.
•Rachel Carson also helped promulgate this stuff.
•Kiefer cautions that he still doesn’t recommend that you replace all your sugar with sweeteners, but just that there isn’t any scientific data out there to justify the fear and villification of artificial sweeteners that is currently going on.
•Stevia can lower blood pressure, so for people using medications, this can cause issues.
•Kiefer thinks it’s perverse that paleo champions the idea that natural = good…. and now has paleo health bars, shakes, cricket bars… these are all processed foods.. and Kiefer doesn’t think are very natural
•Kiefer tells stories about how people he is eating with give him a hard time about what he’s eating, in this particular story an energy drink… (wonder who these people are that he eats with)
•Rocky says M-F he’s just eating protein and fat and caffeine. That’s all he eats.
•Rocky points out that a lot of the studies on the artificial sweeteners are epidemiological and the results are correlative, with no proof of causation.
•Sucralose – it’s amazingly inert chemical, since humans and bacteria can’t break it down. It’s ridiculously heat stable.
•Rocky points out that the concern is that while 70% of ingested sucralose is excreted in feces, the remaining 25% is unaccounted for, which is what people are concerned with.
•Kiefer says that 100% of it can be recovered within 2 days to a week if you are able to collect all the urine and sweat and feces.
•It is bacteriostatic so it doesn’t kill bacteria and won’t do anything to your gut biome.
•At the moment, sucralose causes no problems environmentally, animals, human body, bacteria.
•It is not broken down in the environment, and this reassures Kiefer that it is inert. (me not so much)

•Kiefer and rocky chat on the phone about this, and they haven’t been able to find any research that raises concern for sucralose, and even make them even question things

•Kiefer says even the beta cells have receptors for sweetness, and different sweeteners trigger different reactions in the beta cells to be primed for insulin production or not.

•Sucralose stimulates beta cells to produce insulin, but there needs to be a certain threshold of glucose before the insulin is released.

•So if you want to make sucralose look bad, you would eat sucralose first, and then a glucose intervention later.

•Better to not have carbs with sucralose together.

•Kiefer wants to take down athlete.io forums because there is too much bro science there. Not enough evidenced based info.

•If you are metabolically deranged, just the taste of something sweet can cause an insulin response. Pavlovian effect

•Can also create this in skinny people.

•Probably best bet to drink diet soda at night

•If you are younger, healthier, exercise often, then diet sodas will do one of two thigs. If you are low carb, it won’t do much to you. If you are on carb diet it can cause insulin response. Take away is if you are doing carb nite, have as much as you want. Stay away from them on carb nites.

•For CBL, drink earlier in the day. But not with carbs at night

•If overweight with metabolic issues, then need to be more careful because it can cause problems. If doing CNS, try to avoid it, and if you can’t, try to save it for evenings.

•For CBL, try stay way from them.. But CBL is not the ideal diet for you.

•Rocky points out that it can actually help on CN and CBL, and kiefer agrees, because of the increased insulin response.

•Sucralose also has anti inflammatory effects in one of the papers they looked at.

012 Muscle Expert – Ben Pakulski & John Kiefer Discuss Carb Backloading

•(The audio is kind of fuzzy… Ben’s end is a little muffled)
•If you are a healthy person, when you first wake up, you have the highest cortisol levels of the day. This is a good thing in the absence of insulin because it is great at mobilizing fat.
•Cortisol can also help stimulate tissue repair… BUT it has to be in the absence of insulin.
•Muscle and body fat are extraordinarily insulin sensitive in the morning. So if you’re eating carbs in the morning, they’ll be preferentially stored in your body fat because it has an unlimited amount of storage capacity, whereas liver and muscle have limited capacity.
•When Ben ate carbs in the morning because that’s what everyone told him to do, he found that he was sleepy during workouts, and he started getting fat. Things started changing when he stopped doing this. That’s when he discovered Carb Back-Loading.
•The cortisol spike that you get with training correlates with the most gains. So you need it!
•High cortisol all the time is BAD. Cortisol spikes here and there is GOOD.
•The higher the cortisol spikes correlates with the lower your cortisol is the rest of the day.
•Ben does a cryo-sauna (180 degrees below zero) post work out to stimulate an even greater cortisol spike. He’s found that his general cortisol actually went down.
•(Kiefer doesn’t add much to the cryo-sauna thing)
•Ben asks what Kiefer does himself right now.
•Kiefer trains first thing in the morning 5-5:30 AM, which while it isn’t ideal, it’s the only thing that works for his schedule.
•Kiefer never eats carbs before 5-6pm. First part of the day, he’s very fat heavy. Coffee with heavy whipping cream. Vegetables with butter. Breakfast is usually two sausages.
•Dinner he gauges on how the workout went or how he’s feeling. Right now he only eats carbs around 3 nights a week, based on subjective feel.
•1 night a week he goes crazy. He talks about going nuts on donuts.
•The other 2 carb nites are just meat and potatoes… and sometimes a dessert if it looks good on the menu.
•Ben asks what he should do to build as much muscle as possible before the Arnold composition and optimize his body composition.
•Kiefer says for maximum muscle mass, might need to get more advanced. Ben trains 5-6x a week. So he will be eating carbs every night, the carb load is hard to judge, so because Ben has a lot of muscle mass, he will need more carbs, and because he as a significant training load, he will need somewhere between 400-800 gm carbs per day. Hard for him to say since he’s not working directly with Ben.
•Kiefer suggests to start at 400 gm and then titrate from there.
•If that’s too many carbs in the evening, Kiefer also brings up glycemic back-loading, he doesn’t like to use this very often, but for guys with lots of muscle who need a lot of refueling, introduce carbs in early afternoon, like at 1pm, but very low glycemic index. Appropriate for people 250+ lbs.
•A low glycemic carb would be anything, like rice with fat… white rice + butter. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
•This is for people who can’t get enough carbs later in the day.
•Kiefer says it’s important to wait an hour post workout before stimulating insulin spike because it lets some of the catabolic effects set in which then primes the cells for greater nutrient uptake later.
•The only time an athlete should eat within the 1 hr window is if they’re really focused on glycogen replenishment.
•The 1 hr window thing also includes avoidance of proteins, whey, and aminos.
•You need the catabolic processes to be activated for a certain period of time, to take effect. You need this hormetic effect to push the genes in the right direction for maximum growth expression.
•The exception to this is with strongman competitors, guys with 4 hr workouts, they need introduction of carbs about 30 – 60 min into their training.
•Most people should just get a fat load before workout, and if you have protein it shouldn’t be fast absorbing, so you should eat meat, eggs, etc.
•Then do the workout and mobilize body fat and intramuscular glycogen. This is more effective because there is no insulin available. If you workout after eating carbs or aminos which stimulate insulin, the insulin cuts off the muscular access to intramuscular glycogen and intramuscular triglycerides.
•Protein should be 1-1.3 gm per lean mass in pounds of body weight.
•First half of the day, just worry about fat content. When post training, load up on protein. Protein better to be eaten at night.
•For most people 2 gm per lean lb of body weight.
•Kiefer favors back-loading the protein supplements.
•Kiefer again says that the idea of a cyclic ketogenic diet probably doesn’t exist… because even if you’re eating carbs just one time a week, you probably aren’t getting high ketone production (my experience differs with his here and I have the blood ketones to show it!).
•Kiefer says the most important thing is to keep insulin load as minimal as possible during first half of the day.
•Kiefer’s post workout shake when he was putting on size had around 120 gm of protein!
•Keep protein products down earlier in the day so that you can keep insulin as low as possible.
•Ben asks Kiefer what supplements he recommends for CBL: Creatine. Caffeine. Fenugreek. And of course his own supplements.
•Fenugreek can increase insulin excursion. Sucralose also increases insulin output. Simple proteins and complex proteins are good. Casein is good because it has a very nice hypertrophic response for a long time.
•Caffeine by itself does not cause release of insulin. If you have caffeine with carbs it will stimulate an even greater insulin release.
•Ben asks if he trains in the morning, should he eat carbs 1 hr after his workout or wait until the evening.
•Kiefer says in general, no. He should have eggs and coconut oil after the training session. He has found in limited instances that females preparing for figure competitions, if they train first thing in the morning and have half a brown banana after training, will lead to better results… and this only works in 50% of women, but never in men.
•Kiefer hates the whole, ‘if it fits your macros’ thing.
•Kiefer says try not to go more than 12 hours without food from when you go to bed to the next day.




Body IO FM 36 – Keith Norris – Paleo and Strength Training
•Kiefer says he tries to provide a framework for people… not specifying exact macronutrients, but instead a framework to allow people to create the perfect program for themselves.
•Chronic stress is bad. If your workout or your diet causes you stress, that’s bad.
•Cyclic ketogenic diets have been around for couple hundred years.
•Kiefer says the thyroid issue that people complain about with ketogenic diets can be fixed with 1 carb re-feed per week (hmmm). He’s seen this many times in Rocky’s clinic.
•Kiefer says at the end of the day a carb is a carb, whether it’s a processed carb or natural healthy carb, carbs will get burned the same way in the cell and will cause the same type of cell damage. Introducing carbs on a regular basis will cause you problems no matter what the carb source is.
•Kiefer going on about benefits of cortisol in the absence of carbs and insulin.
•Kiefer and Norris both think it is a virtue to change your mind when in the presence of new information. It means you’ve learned something new and your not dogmatic about what you thought before.
•Norris says his framework is: if it doesn’t make sense through an evolutionary lens, he discards it.
•Do the best you can with what you have where you are and don’t stress out about it.
•Resistance training changes that game for you no matter what diet you follow.
•Now they’re talking about the ARX fit machines… which matches your maximum force output in whatever range of motion you decide.
•Kiefer thinks this would be great for a ketogenic athlete and asks if Norris has experience with these folks.
•Norris responds basically by saying he’s not sure if the clients he has who claim to be ketogenic truly are.
•Keith says that in times when he’s been low carb, he sees his efforts bottom out on the machine after 2 reps and can’t generate anymore force production, reflecting the depletion of glycogen and at the limit of ATP production… and this clues him in to start pigging out.
•The machines tell you exactly when this happens
•Kiefer pretty much calls this the ultimate workout machine… that he’s dreamed about for 10-15 years. He actually called this the ‘holy grail’ of resistance training.
•Now they’re talking about shamanism?
•The book Religion Explained ties shamanism to modern religions and cognitive sciences.

Body IO FM 37 – Ben Pakulski
•Kiefer liked Pakulski’s MI40x video series
•Pakulski places a lot of emphasis on biomechanics
•Pakulski studied biomechanics in University. He’s a competitive body builder, so he had to figure out the most biomechanically optimal way to exercise.
•Kiefer disses someone on the internet who’s trying to get a following of athletes, who’s only experience been working with mice (I wonder who?… after listening to a few of the later podcasts I think he’s referring to Bill Lagakos)
•Kiefer doesn’t like to promote things but he’s very happy to promote Pakulski’s MI40x.
•Pakulski only coaches people who are committed to the results because he doesn’t want to end up being more committed than they are.
•Kiefer provides competitors with a 4 week post competition meal plan, so they have some guidance afterwards and don’t go nuts.
•Pakulski only coaches at minimum for 6 months in length for the same reason,5 months before a contest and 1 month after.
•Kiefer asks what was Pakulski’s motivation?
•Pakulski was hired by Vince Delmonte to prep for physique shows. Vince won them, and encouraged Pakulski to share is program.
•Vince asked him what are the 5 things he could teach people that could make the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time.
•This made MI40 become a best seller.
•He was just scratching the surface with MI40… and MI40x is what’s next, like the advanced program.
•There are 3 different parts to the program, beginner, graduate, and pro.
•Videos have tips for tips for those three levels too.
•One thing is how to manipulate tension, which can allow you to work out your back during a bench press.
•He focuses on time efficient workouts.
•The people used in his videos have never done those movements before, so he’s correcting them on the spot, which has been helpful for the people who bought the program.
•Kiefer asks if he’s building a certification model, and the answer is yes, with a planned release at the end of 2015.
•Kiefer asks if Pakulski ever had a moment where he realized he was one of the top body builders in the world.
•Pakulski replies, that he can’t remember a particular moment. He was doing a well and then got to a competition in 2010 where he was disappointed at getting 7th place and quit because he was so disappointed.
•He realized that he was training so hard that his strengths became glaring strengths and his weaknesses became glaring weaknesses.
•This started his quest to apply more biomechanics.
•His program will get you there twice as fast with half the injuries.
•Kiefer use to not believe in therapeutic massage, chiropractics, muscle activation etc. when he was younger. Now he depends on those things as a way to keep your body tuned up.
•Pakulski has to fly to places like Denver or Toronto for treatment because he can’t find anyone good in Tampa.
•Kiefer found that his sleep significantly improved when he got regular chiropractic work, because he was keeping a lot of stress in his necks.
•They’re talking about MAT, muscle activation therapy?
•Kiefer says that with MAT you can see instantly how things were deactivated and what happens when they start firing properly.
•Around that time Kiefer had started looking at motor activation patterns, and he found some interesting exercises in the literature that enforced patterns to fire completely.
•People who have issues with winging of the shoulder blade, there was a movement called shoulder dumps, which when Kiefer tried it out, he could feel tension and stability in his shoulders when working out.
•Kiefer asks if in the MI40x program, if Pakulski constructed around these things
•Pakulski teaches people to lock down movements and chains so that there isn’t any extraneous movement. Make sure the muscle you’re trying to work is actually moving. He doesn’t really getting into corrective exercises because he says he’s not an expert.
•One of his next ventures will be corrective exercises.
•Kiefer says Bosu ball stuff is crap because it actually screws up your neural patterns.
•Part of the MI40x is teaching tempo because helps people get strong at extremes of the range of motion.
•Kiefer hates when people bench with feet lifted off the ground.

Body IO FM 38 – Test Results, Testosterone Boosters, and Rants
•Rocky is treating a patient with type 1 diabetes, who also has an endocrinologist, who has been on insulin for quite some time, started a low carb diet. She has a continuous glucose monitoring device, and after 8 weeks of being low carb, her glucose curves normalized with very little variation.
•A lot of times type 1 diabetics can have lots of lows and lots of highs which will give you a normal HBA1c, so on surface it looks well controlled, but if you have those big variations, that’s actually telling you that the control is bad.
•So this patient who now has super well controlled glucose, got a cholesterol test which freaked out her endocrinologist, who works at Mayo Clinic.
•Her total cholesterol was over 300 and LDL over 200. Her trigs were 60 and her HDL had improved 15%.
•She’s one of the patients Rocky sees that go low carb and have a paradoxical increase in cholesterol (like me!), and she was very fearful and upset.
•She didn’t know what to do because she was really feeling good, but the doctors at Mayo clinic made such a big deal about her cholesterol.
•Rocky does say that he doesn’t know if this is a good thing or bad thing… but he thinks she can be one of the type 1 diabetics that he could get off of Insulin.
•The endocrinologist actually recommended her to eat more carbs.
•Rocky removed cheese and dairy from her diet, but left the heavy cream in there, and said let’s see what happens. He adopted this after their prior podcast with Dr. Gundry.
•He’s not expecting much of a difference because when he did that for his own lipid panel and he didn’t see a difference.
•Rocky thinks HbA1c is a bad test. It’s good as a positive predictor, because if it’s over 5.7, it’s a good indication that your sugars have been too high.
•But if it’s below 5.7, which is considered normal… it doesn’t MEAN that it’s normal.
•A lot of people with normal HbA1c’s can still fail a glucose tolerance test in up to 93% of patients, and be pre-diabetic.
•Rocky brings Peak VO2 which his the oxygen consumption at peak exercise, which has a plethora of data in literature showing that when Peak VO2 is low it’s associated with all sorts of chronic diseases and cancers (higher colon, prostate, lung, and breast cancer, and obstructive coronary disease, and all cause mortality).
•Peak VO2 = VO2 Max (Check out my own VO2 Max test!)
•Kiefer chimes in and says that if your VO2 Max is low in an exercise state, that means you’re very heavily carb based in your metabolism, and probably anaerobic based, so your oxidative cycle is not able to come up to the capacity to help with energy needs, so it goes into the anaerobic process which causes a lot of reactive oxygenated species build up which can trigger all sorts of damage in the cell, which can turn on oncogenes and so on.
•Kiefer says people don’t understand statistics and how they are applied to disease risk. Then he brings up Basian statistics.
•Rocky says the fix is simple which is to reduce carbohydrate exposure (I don’t agree with this… what about endurance athletes with high VO2 Max’s that are carb based?)
•Rocky tells his patients that they don’t even need to go ketogenic, just cut carbs by 50%… maybe just down to 80-100 gm.
•Kiefer says it’s amazing how many facets of health carbs can effect and make worse.
•Kiefer still maintains that for long term health and longevity, you need carb spike at least once a week, maybe once every other week.
•Rocky’s B-diet that he prescribed to a diabetic patient – Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Beef, Bacon, and Butter. Eat only this for 2 weeks and come back (LOVE THIS)
•They refer to Gundry who said, “food was put on earth to make you fat.”
•The Kiefer takes a shot at the “Bullshit Exec” who used that phrase in a video… and says nothing in this industry is safe.
•Pure fructose is not bad and can actually lower blood sugar and incite ketone production.
•But when fructose is in combined with glucose/insulin, that’s when all the bad stuff happen. The insulin makes the pathways all the negative stuff for the fructose to go down. Fructose has an unlimited capacity to go down those pathways… towards fat production.
•So if you eat anything that’s a combination of glucose and fructose, this includes sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, fruits, will create a strong environment for all kinds of metabolic issues… like getting fat.
•Rocky specifies that this is what happens with chronic ingestion… as opposed to cyclic.
•Kiefer actually takes an ancestral approach, and says that this was a way we used to go into the Fall, when fruits like apples and pears were ripe, which are supposed to make us fat, when we are moving into the winter when there is less food available.
•Kiefer used to eat oranges, bananas, and pears all the time… both Rocky and Kiefer love pears. But now he doesn’t miss fruit at all. He’ll eat it occasionally… and doesn’t see how it fits in his diet… but now just sees it as candy. Rocky says the same thing happened to him with cherries. He used to really look forward to cherry season.
•They both now rarely eat fruit… unless cherry turnovers or lemon stuffed donut.
•Now they’re talking about people who have something to sell anything useful and say they don’t really help people, and just crap on other things.
•Kiefer crapping on talking heads on youtube because of all the ads that are on there, so these people are saying things just to get more views to make money from ads.
•Kiefer intends to make Body IO an educational company.
•Rocky says there is one youtube show that is redeemable is the “Broscience” guy (just checked this out… cracked up at “gains rapists”).
•Rocky really enjoys that one!
•Kiefer enjoys it as entertainment, but says to not take what they say as credible.
•Now Rocky instigates by asking Kiefer about Butter Coffee.
•Kiefer NEVER drinks butter and coffee
•Rocky now drinking straight black coffee. He’s taken heavy cream out.
•Kiefer drinks an Americana with shots of espresso in it… if he has it black.
•Rocky will see patients drinking butter coffee and are not getting the results that they want.
•Kiefer refers to the ‘promoter’ of butter coffee, and saying that over the past few years, he hasn’t been looking very good (Jeff Fry brought this up in our conversation when he had me on Health Nuts Anonymous)
•Kiefer also says other experts like in Paleo and etc, also starting to look bad, and they need to take a step back and analyze what’s going on.
•Kiefer hasn’t been working out lately, like maybe once a month, because of lots of injuries and pain, and life has been hectic. He’s been on carb nite and mixture of carb back-loading. Even though he’s lost mass… he’s leaned out at the same time.
•Kiefer’s rule is… look outside.. is it dark? Then you can eat carbs.
•Kiefer going to turn 40 in three months.
•This whole process gives him confidence in what he teaches people.
•He respects when other gurus try to put stuff out to help people… but when it’s not even working for themselves then they need to be honest and acknowledge that it’s not working… or be honest and admit that they weren’t following their own diet.
•Kiefer says he would rebrand everything Bulletproof to Bullshit exec.. Bullshit MCT, Bullshit Diet, Bullshit Diet (ouch… SHOTS FIRED! The hate is strong in this one..)
•Brain Octane is brought up.. Kiefer says he wished there was more research on it because the research Kiefer’s looked at shows pure C8 doesn’t have the Brain enhancing properties that it’s supposed to. AND it’s actually the dangerous one, that you shouldn’t be ingesting too much of. It can screw up membrane function if it’s incorporated into membranes, it has lipid effects that are not positive. This is the one you DON’T want to take a lot of (as I’ve said in some of the prior comments… I haven’t seen any of this research he’s referring to)
•Now they give credit back to Asprey because they were introduced to larger communities through him.
•Kiefer sour that Asprey ‘borrowed’ information from that podcast without giving Kiefer credit… one of these was the ‘eating carbs at night’ thing (maybe Asprey saw the same primary research? Maybe not. I mean Kiefer doesn’t own the science behind nutrient timing either. I mean they both borrowed the information from the folks doing the primary research).
•He never talked about MCT oils until after his podcast with Kiefer.
•Kiefer just wants a nod of acknowledgement… which is why he’s sour.
•Rocky now goads Kiefer, by saying, “so you’re turning 40, that means your testosterone must be in the toilet.”
•Kiefer says a lot of people have been asking him about testosterone boosters.
•Kiefer had his testosterone levels checked and they’re fine (Here are my testosterone levels).
•Kiefer says his nutrient density is good because he doesn’t eat “poor people food,” which is what he calls salads and vegetables.
•He says it’s amazing that Whole Foods has created a model where they can get people to pay a premium for ‘poor people food.
•They’re now making fun of paleo people who say potatoes (night shades) are toxic.
•Vegetables were considered food for people who were impoverished.
•Now they’re crapping on the whole resistant starch thing and potatoes.
•Kiefer satirically says that potatoes are night shades and can potentially contain chemicals that you are allergic to, but on top of that they’re paleo approved… and don’t realize that potatoes were only introduced to Europeans 500 years ago. Rice is now ok… because Okinawans eat it.
•Kiefer wondering when all the stuff about white rice being a safe starch came from…
•A couple years ago, Kiefer put out an article about the sins of organic, and that if you want to talk about the cleanest, non toxic, carbohydrate that you can eat that was grown is white rice. It has least number of carcinogenic substances of any crop out there. He says that it was shortly after this when he started hearing white rice being touted as a safe starch (I think he’s trying to claim credit by this reference, but I guess he can say whatever he wants, it’s his show!)
•Rocky says that this was popularized by Paul Jaminet in the Perfect Health Diet.
•They both liked Star Trek The Next Generation
•Kiefer now going on about the Bulletproof Brand should be renamed Borg Brand — “Resistance is Futile.”
•Kiefer’s testosterone levels are ok right now
•But he started wondering what guys with low T can do now, in terms of testosterone booster?
•One thing that natural testosterone boosters do is that they increase leutenizing hormone, which cause testicles to release more testosterone. This is how the HPA axis helps regulate testosterone levels.
•All these testosterone boosters based off of raising leutenizing hormones.
•Elevated levels of leutenizing hormones actually correlate with increased incidence of Alzheimers.
•Another alternative would be hormone replacement for men, direct injection of Testosterone, Rocky does this for his patients once a week, which decreases incidence of Alzheimers.
•Rocky says the people with low testosterone are people with insulin resistance, and insulin resistance is correlated with Alzheimers dementia… so using testosterone boosters is like putting lighter fluid on the fire.
•Rocky gets a lot of patients that want testosterone. There are lots of causes of low testosterone. One such thing is hemochromatosis, and Rocky recommends checking for this.
•Treatment for hemochromatosis is donating blood.
•In Kiefer’s opinion, if you have low testosterone, from the research out there, he would completely stay away from testosterone boosters, and would rather opt for hormone replacement.
•There is inconclusive data out right now linking testosterone replacement and heart attacks, and this is what’s scaring some people off right now.
•Sometimes Rocky has patients whose estrogen go up, people who are over aromatizers, he either backs off on dose of testosterone, or uses some herbal aromatase inhibitors, or sometimes prescription aromatase inhibitors which are used off label.
•Kiefer asks what the herbal remedies are?
•Rocky says there’s one called DIM (sp?) derived from cruciferous vegetables. It’s considered an estrogen balancer supplement. He’s had some limited success with this.
•Kiefer looking into the paleo idea of avoiding conventional milk because of conventional milk passing along hormones that were injected into cows. So he got curious to see if anyone has actually looked into this
•Difference between conventional cows that were pumped with estrogen and organic grassfed cows… it turns out the level of estrogen is identical across all milk products between the two.
•It doesn’t matter if it’s organic or grassfed (although he doesn’t go into the antibiotic thing and the omega 3 vs omega 6 fats or the conjugated linoleic acid thing).
•Kiefer says sometimes the paleo thing that says everything modern is dangerous is makes weird logical sense, but many times these paleo assumptions are just false.
•Kiefer says that not everything modern is bad.
•Then he goes on satirical rant about undergarments like briefs and panties causing cancer…

Body IO FM 39 with Dr. Frederick Navarro – Pattern of Health
•Navarro identifies patterns of health that can predict different things about a person.
•He is a PhD and the father of Alex Navarro
•Alex was a previous Body IO guest, client of Kiefer’s, and author of Transforming Recipes: Ultra Low-Carb Edition and Transforming Recipes: Ultra Low-Carb Desserts which were published by Body IO.
•What are the different behaviors people engage in that affect their health?
•Their decision making?
•How they respond to their illness?
•Downstream effects of utilization costs.
•If you can recognize these patterns then you can change them.
•Study where he found that they saved up to $570 vs controls depending on how nurses talked to patients while making use of these individual patterns
•People don’t recognize that they have these patterns.
•Rocky asks Dr. Navarro to give us some specific patterns
•Example 1 – Path 2 – Health contented people – They are happy with their current state of health, whether it’s good or not. They aren’t motivated to improve it or to seek care. They tend to avoid care. This occurs across all age and educational groups. Slightly more common in males.
•Example 2 – Path 7 – Health care driven – They are the opposite of Path 2. Very into healthy dieting and seeking information into health, but not exercise. They are very attuned to their health. They claim they exercise a lot, but only do a moderate amount (like walking or gardening). At the first sign of a problem, they’ll contact a doctor. They have the highest cost for physician visits and prescription medications. The have the highest health care costs of everyone out there. Because they go to the doctor so often, they have a lot of diagnoses. They have the highest rate of specialist visits.
•Example 3 – Path 8 – Independently Healthy – Moderate level of going to the doctor. Very involved in eating right and vigorous exercise. Very cognizant of health information and seek information. Want their family to be healthy but not engaged in it. They have the best health and have the lowest rates of all diseases. They have average medical costs because they go to regular checkups. The one bad behavior they have is that they like their alcohol. They have the highest rates of drinking, but it doesn’t impact their health.
•Kiefer asks if paths can overlap. He really resonates with Path 8, except for the fact that he doesn’t drink alcohol… EVER. But he also resonates with Path 2 because he always avoids going to the doctor and would prefer to figure things out himself.
•Navarro says that pattern can be close or far apart together. Like 70% one and 30% another, 0% of everything else. So the answer is yes.
•There are 9 total patterns
•Patterns form from our responses to our normal surroundings.
•Kiefer asks what you can do to influence young people towards a particular pattern, and Dr. Navarro doesn’t know.
•Navarro says that there is a group of people in the age group of 18-25 that don’t have a pattern. After that age, the pattern really manifests.
•There is also a relationship between the population density and urbanization and the formation of patterns. In rural, less dense areas, there are more people with no patterns.
•Once you know you’re in a pattern, then there is a possibility that you can change it.
•Now they’re talking about his book, which Kiefer is helping to publish.




Body IO FM 40 – Andrea Jengle and Alex Navarro – Women’s Health and Fitness
•Alex primarily works with people in the performance arena and AJ primarily works with people in the non-performance arena.
•Alex is one of the authors of Transforming Recipes: Ultra Low-Carb Edition and Transforming Recipes: Ultra Low-Carb Desserts

•Most women are hitting the training aspect way to hard while not eating enough.
•A lot of information out there is meant for males and are inappropriate for women, which is why so many women run into trouble.
•Kiefer working on software to figure out people’s energy expenditure.
•In women, he’s found that women have this baseline calorie expenditure that their body will adhere to almost regardless of activity, based completely on their lean tissue. The secret to getting women being able to eat more or to get their calories in line has nothing to do with exercise.
•As women exercise more, their body down-regulates everything else to get their energy expenditure back down to that baseline.
•Men are different because they actually CAN up-regulate their metabolism to match their exercise. Women DO NOT do this.
•For men, it can work to exercise more to burn more energy, however with women, if they exercise more, you can destroy their metabolism. It might work for 1-2 weeks, but that’s it.
•It’s really important for women to focus on resistance training for their lean mass.
•Cardio is absolutely the wrong thing to do for women.
•Rocky wonders how much of this is a protective mechanism in terms of reproduction.
•Kiefer says the study he referred to was comparing between elite athletes and sedentary women. And they both demonstrated the same relationship depending on their lean mass. If their lean mass was equivalent, despite the difference in body fat percentage, they still had the same metabolic expenditure.
•AJ says that their prototypical client is someone who’s paleo, doing Crossfit 6x a week and has adrenal fatigue and thyroid problems. The only things they need to do are ratchet down the exercise, focus more on resistance training, increase their food intake and throw in some Carb Nites, and things pretty much correct themselves.
•AJ likes to mountain bike in the Summer, and all that cardio screws her up, but people think that she does it to get her results, when that’s completely not the case. She only does it because she likes it, and she even says that she wish she didn’t like it, because of how badly it screws her up.
•Things are actually easier for her in the off-season when she isn’t biking.
•Rocky clarifies that they’re not talking about all cardio, but in terms of how intense the cardio is. If it’s greater than 60% max heart rate, then yes, cardio can be bad for you, but if you’re at 30-40% max heart rate, then cardio’s good for you!
•Kiefer shows off his ‘meat-head’ voice pretending to give women tips on how to use a treadmill…
•The new women show with AJ and Alex will be called Her Body IO
•One of the topics they’ll cover on the show is being clear on their goals and being at peace with those goals.
•AJ was surprised at how many women are on strict long term ketogenic diets who also do Crossfit.
•Her and Alex found that these women were also scared of carbs.
•Then Carb Shock came out, and AJ thought this was the best thing for these women, to help them get their insulin spike.
•Now they’re ranting against Dr. Oz.
•Now Kiefer’s saying how the mission of Body IO now is directed towards education and is becoming a publishing company.
•Both AJ and Alex have books in the works. Rocky might also have a book that he’s supposed to be working on.
•Cooper, Kiefer’s dog is now farting in his podcast sound booth…
•CBL 2 and CNS 2 are coming out in 2015. There will also be a certification program for Body IO and they will also release the official Coaching list.
•Kiefer loves Land-O-Lakes butter, and reasserts that there’s no reason to buy Kerrygold, because conventional butter is the same.
•Kiefer says his family stopped buying butter when he was a kid because he used to sneaky into the fridge and take bites out of the sticks of butter.

Body IO FM 41 – Dr. Paul Jaminet – Perfect Health Diet
•Jaminet is the author of Perfect Health Diet
•Jaminet and his wife had some problems on paleo, basically they were too low carb and had some nutrient deficiencies.
•They figured things out and came up with the Perfect Health Diet
•Jaminet found paleo from Art Devany
•One of the problems Paul fell into was that he was too low carb
•He had some chronic infections and going low carb helped him diagnose them by making them present themselves.
•Jaminet says he has more problems going low carb than most people because of those pre-existing infections
•In Perfect Health Diet, they recommend 30% carbs which is what they think the body needs to make things like mucous, tears, and glycosaminoglycans in cartilage.
•When you eat less than 30% carbs the body tries to conserve carbs and begins to turn production of these things off
•Kiefer says that some of these changes are transitory
•Jaminet says that in his case, things weren’t transient, but may have been compounded by the fact that he had an underlying fungal infection
•Kiefer says ketogenic diet is not the best long term diet for people, but him and Rocky like cyclic ketogenic.
•Kiefer says that a lot of people that recommend low carb diets right now are all in excellent health, and their recommendations might not be appropriate for people who are sick or even for the general public.
•Rocky asks if there was a specific piece of literature behind the 30% carb recommendations or if it was trial and error
•Jaminet’s answer seems to indicate that it was a result of trial and error and when he noticed things improving in himself, he looked in the literature to see what carbs were used for. One of these was for immune function. When you have an infection your body needs carbs to fight them off. Mucus is also made from carbs.
•Food is needed both for energy and also to be used to rebuild the body, so he reasoned that it’s better to ‘eat what you are.’
•Bone broth and carbs are important because they provide components for extra cellular matrix and gut barrier integrity
•Jaminet says most people eat too many carbs
•Kiefer says eating carbs on a regular basis, throughout the day and/or daily, has been shown to produce reactive oxygen species production, and endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction which causes errors in protein folding. This protein misfolding, when it builds up, can spread through the body like a virus, like prions. And insulin actually impairs the body’s response to deal with these misfolded proteins.
•Kiefer says all the research he’s seeing points to the fact that the standard American diet right now is like a perfect storm
•CBL is for healthier people, and they eat about 30% carbs daily, but all at the end of the day.
•Jaminet says that he’s seen that same research and interprets it a little differently. He thinks that all that damage is a result of ‘excess energy’ and not so much ‘excess carbohydrate.’ Eating too many carbs is one path to those bad things… but there are some papers that also show the same thing happening when eating too much fat!
•Jaminet says that a solution to an excess energy diet is fasting
•And one reason that people are driven to excess energy diets is because of underlying micronutrient deficiency
•Jaminet says if you’re eating low carb diet, then you need to increase your protein so that you can encourage the body’s conversion of protein to glucose
•Rocky asks if there are any adjustments for people who are insulin resistant.
•Jaminet says that he basically starts people on the same thing and problems go away 95% of the time. But he doesn’t use diet only, he also incorporates exercise and circadian rhythm entrainment
•Jaminet says intermittent fasting by itself restores insulin sensitivity in people a lot of the time.
•Another component Jaminet uses is re-shaping the gut biome
•So Jaminet says, he doesn’t really tweak anything for people until they’ve gone through all of these steps.
•Kiefer asks how Jaminet feels about CBL which he developed to take advantage of all of these things.
•Kiefer says that you can still get autophagy and all the benefits of intermittent fasting, as long as carbs and insulin is kept low.
•Jaminet says that he’s seen some work showing that its more beneficial to have more protein earlier in the day and carbs later in the day.
•Jaminet says that the best time to eat calories is in the afternoon.
•Jaminet says autophagy is promoted not only by lack of carbs, but also lack of protein and lack of fat, and depletion of ATP in the cell. So it’s a good thing to invoke all of these things in the fats
•He recommends drinking just black coffee during the fasts which also helps promote autophagy.
•Jaminet says that when people have a hard time with fasts, a lot of it has to do with lack of electrolytes.

Body IO FM 42 – Year End Rants: Diabetics, Calories, BroScience and Paleo

•Rocky’s first rant is about people who claim that if diabetics don’t get carbs, they will die. Which is patently wrong.
•His second rant is about the whole resistant starch debacle.
•Kiefer refers to Lagakos as ‘the mouse doctor’ because he has only worked with mice in labs, and not with real humans. According to Kiefer, Lagakos has been recommending type 2 diabetics eating all of their carbs in the morning when they wake up. Kiefer says this is disastrous. (Surprising to hear Kiefer suddenly go so anti-Lagakos).
•Kiefer says we don’t need to ingest carbs to live.
•He says the body can make 75 gm of carbs from the protein we eat per day, which is way more than we need. It’s enough to take care of all the extra cellular matrix structures we need and glycogen replenishment (which goes against what Jaminet just said in the last podcast).
•This still doesn’t mean that Body IO recommends going ketogenic all the time either!
•AJ rants about the extremes.
•People offer to pay her just to answer a questions, ‘do calories matter?’
•They also hate the words ‘metabolic damage’
•Of course calories matter, it’s just a poor tool. Kiefer calls it a blunt instrument.
•Apparently a lot of these rants originate from commenters on facebook
•You can lose fat and gain muscle by staying at the same caloric load or even a higher caloric load, just by utilizing thermodynamic inefficiencies.
•They have people that show this with DEXA scans.
•People who believe in Calories in Calories out can’t wrap their heads around this.
•Kiefer brings up Alan Aragon up as one of the calories in calories out people that can’t wrap their heads around this stuff
•AJ and Rocky both have patients/clients that lose fat and gain muscle at the same time on a certain caloric load.
•AJ refuses to comment on the ‘thigh gap’ phenomena
•There’s no way to comment on things without putting a certain group down, like if she comes out pro-thigh gap then she puts down the anti-thigh gap group
•Kiefer hates when people are having an intelligent scientific debate, and someone comes in with, “do you even lift bro?”
•Kiefer goes against the “Tiger Fitness” youtube dude, and says that he may be one of the most ‘mentally incapacitated’ fitness commentators out there.
•They all like the ‘Broscience’ guy.
•They all talk about the good and the bad of social media.
•Kiefer talks about how there is more evidence is coming out that the whole anti-gluten thing now is a canard.
•Kiefer calls out William Davis and Wheat Belly for leaving out critical information. He talked about the addictive chemicals in wheat, but failed to mention that the only way to get those chemicals into your brain is to inject it intravenously.
•The cure for the gluten allergy is to just convince yourself that you don’t have it.
•Then the next thing people are rushing to are FODMAPs. People are claiming that it’s not the gluten in wheat that’s causing the issues, it’s FODMAPs. Right now there is no research on FODMAPs…
•He says that the whole anti-gluten thing now isn’t health or even science based right now, but is now reputation based.
•The business of paleo has turned things off for Rocky.
•Kiefer maintains that carbohydrates are the cause of all these issues.
•Kiefer now says that paleo now is to the point where it’s recommending the same macronutrient ratios as the standard American diet!
•Kiefer says he really likes Mark Sisson’s approach, but trademarking and protecting primal. So other people can’t bastardize it and try to profit from it.

Body IO FM 43 – T3 Fuel, Hypothyroidism and Metabolic Issues
•Kiefer starts of by saying the main key of T3 Fuel is that a lot of people have thyroid hormone level deviations that aren’t always caused by ‘adrenal fatigue’
•But it’s just because some people don’t have the mineral support. That’s why one of the components is the iodine.
•Thyroid hormone mainly acts on ‘Uncoupling Protein 1’ (there are three total), and this regulates internal body temperature. When UCP1 is turned on, it causes the body to burn energy as heat.
•Kiefer says that one of the things that happen in the cellular level, that isn’t ever talked about, is that if the cells in your body are sick, specifically your mitochondria, then they are telling your body to decrease thyroid hormone output.
•The key ingredient to help this issue is Resveratrol (which he still pronounces resveraTAWL)
•The healthier your mitochondria are the less susceptible you are to things like, cancer.
•Kiefer says that it’s hard to get this high a dosage of resveratrol as seen in T3 Fuel.
•Rocky addresses what sick mitochondria means. One of the ways they get sick is by driving too many nutrients through the mitochondria as seen in those pre-diabetic patients of overweight patients that are just shoveling too much food. The second mechanism is the chronic dieter who isn’t eating enough calories.
•Kiefer agrees with the first mechanism.
•On the other hand, he says if you exercise too much and your calorie intake is too low, that actually affects your body at the thyroid level (not the mitochondria).
•So Rocky clarifies that what he was trying to say was that with the first mechanism, it is more of a bottom up mechanism, and the second mechanism is top down.
•Rocky asks if there have been any downsides to resveratrol.
•Kiefer says that the study he’s found with the highest dosage in humans, 5 gm, the only side effect was diarrhea. The dosage in T3 Fuel is 250 mg per serving.
•Rocky says that this supplement still will not be enough to treat hypothyroidism. Patients will still need to take their thyroid medications. T3 Fuel is just an adjunct and will not replace thyroid medications.
•Paying attention to training and nutrition is still necessary.
•Women who eat low calories, high percentage of carbs, and do a lot of cardio, is the perfect storm for thyroid dysfunction. These people are screwing up their thyroid from the bottom (at the level of the mitochondria) and at the top (at the level of the thyroid gland).
•Kiefer brings up the data from Dom D’agostino and Dr. Feinman showing how cancer is more and more a metabolic disease from the ingestion of too many carbs.
•Rocky asks if you can take T3 Fuel if you’re on thyroid hormone replacement which is a question he’s seen on facebook forums.
•Kiefer says Yes.
•What time of day should to take T3 Fuel?
•It doesn’t matter if it’s taken with or without a meal, although if you take it with a fat load, it can decrease the bioavailability. Actually he rescinds this. Kiefer says the best time to take this is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is because there are circadian patterns in activity to some of the enzymes that bind and break down resveratrol, and these enzymes are lowest in activity in the morning.
•So T3 Fuel should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
•There is a caveat to this, but he will bring this up later.
•Can T3 Fuel be taken with caffeine? Like with coffee in the morning.
•Kiefer recommends taking this before coffee or after coffee. It’s best taken on it’s own.
•Is it common with T3 Fuel and/or Carb Shock to get hot at night?
•This is a good sign, it means that you’re highly insulin sensitive. It means that T3 Fuel and Carb Shock are doing their job.
•One of the main activation pathway to the benefits of resveratrol is through the SIRT 1 pathway. Metabolites of leucine also work through this pathway. There is sometimes a competitive activation between MTOR (a positive regulator of muscle growth and tissue repair) and SIRT 1 pathway.
•In the research there is synergy between taking high amounts of leucine and high amounts of resveratrol when taken at the same time, with greater fat oxidation in both fat and muscle cells, and greater hypertrophy signals in muscle cells.
•The two together are very powerful together.
•Kiefer says the SIRT 1 gene activation is where all the intermittent fasting people get their benefits from
•So if you are training, it’s best to take T3 Fuel 1-1.5 hrs pre-workout, and then post workout when you take Carb Shock, you will maximize the synergy between the two.
•This is the instance where you don’t want to take the T3 Fuel in the morning.
•AJ talks about dysmenorrhea, which is severe menstrual pain. It’s been so bad for her that she’s actually passed out on the bathroom floor.
•AJ has primary dysmenorrhea (there aren’t any other pelvic issues like endometriosis), which is related to elevated prostaglandins and uterine contractions that cause pain.
•She’s suffered with this for her whole life. When she started taking T3 Fuel, all of her pain beginning with her next cycle disappeared. At the time of this podcast, it’s been like this for the past 5 months.
•She started looking at research and she saw that resveratrol has been used to prevent and minimize uterine contractions.
•How long to supplement with T3 Fuel for someone how is cold sensitive?
•The question is too nonspecific. Kiefer says that he designed T3 Fuel for himself, and he says he will take it for himself for the rest of his life. High dosage resveratrol is nothing but benefit. It will slow the aging process and increase repair processes. It can potentially reduce the risk of cancer.
•Kiefer says you really can’t give yourself a healthier supplement.
•Kiefer says there are too many potential causes for why this patient is cold and he can’t comment on it.
•Can you take it if you are hyperthyroid?
•There are three phases that T3 Fuel acts on, 1) Component that will allow maximal T3 production, 2) Component that will make the thyroid more robust and resistant to stress induced T3 decrease, 3) Component that will make the cells in the body healthier to allow more energy production.
•If not a training day, best to take it first thing in the morning on empty stomach. If it is a training day best to take it 1 hr before training to work as adjunct with post-workout Carb Shock.



#p77600,Aлeксaндр написал(а):

Я ничерта не понял, но вроде что-то интересное)

Я тоже ни черта не поняла, но буду свято верить тебе, что это что-то интересное. http://smiles.kolobok.us/user/vala_02.gif



#p77613,Lakshmi написал(а):

Я тоже ни черта не поняла, но буду свято верить тебе, что это что-то интересное.

http://forums.gavrikoff.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tro.gif Да я просто надеюсь, что кто-нибудь из наших англоговорящих/хорошопереводящих разберутся в этой абракадабре. Вдруг там что-то полезное. Не мог этот чудик на немецкий перевести, блин.....



#p77617,Aлeксaндр написал(а):

Не мог этот чудик на немецкий перевести, блин.....

Не говори! Мог бы сразу и на русский перевести, чо уж там. http://smiles.kolobok.us/user/vala_02.gif



#p77620,Lakshmi написал(а):

Не говори! Мог бы сразу и на русский перевести, чо уж там.

Да вообще ни в какие рамки...Пора  бы им уже русский выучить в конце концов  http://forums.gavrikoff.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tro.gif



#p77623,Aлeксaндр написал(а):

русский выучить в конце концов

В натуре! http://smiles.kolobok.us/user/Koshechka_08.gif

"Я русский бы выучил только за то, что им разговаривал Ленин.. "



#p77634,Lakshmi написал(а):

В натуре!

Тем более, что они же сами его заслали к нам в своё время http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dirol.gif



Carbohydrates Past 6PM Will Make You ... Lean! Eating All Carbs in the Evening Increases Body Fat Loss by 28% Compared to Standard Low-Calorie Diet.



"Whether the normal weight or even athletic part of the population can derive similar benefits from such an intervention does still have to be elucidated".  http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif как всегда...



У меня эта стратегия в плане похудежа тоже не работает. Отлично всё, всё нравится абсолютно в таком режиме. Но.... жир не реагирует никак. http://i047.radikal.ru/1311/6f/bc1a7933a544.gif  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/grin.gif



#p81089,Lakshmi написал(а):

У меня эта стратегия в плане похудежа тоже не работает. Отлично всё, всё нравится абсолютно в таком режиме. Но.... жир не реагирует никак.

ну у меня аналогично, могу и прибавить...  Если после трени угли, то не страшно. Но худеть однозначно не буду. Уже давно не ем угли на ночь, как собственно и жир. Исключительно супер постный белок. Да и то...вот когда был ИГ с пропуском ужина - худела, правда и мясом тоже.  http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif  http://doodoo.ru/smiles/wo/expect.gif Но это, скорее вопрос, правильный баланс найти. Так что, имхо, ИГ для для людей с нормальным весом и для атлетов более перспективная штука, нежели ежедневные ночные загрузки углями.



#p81098,Katarina написал(а):

нежели ежедневные ночные загрузки углями

Да нет, никто не говорит о ночных загрузках углями. Описывается режим приема пищи, в котором углеводная составляющая переносится на вторую половину дня, а в первой - углеводное голодание. Я свои углеводы 30-70 г съедаю на ужин. Квалифицировать такое питание как ночная загрузка углеводами будет неправильно.