►Из стакана воды и 2.5 ч.ложек кофе сварить крепкий кофе
►1-2 чайные ложки MCT Oil (то же кокосовое масло - ИМХО)
►1 -2 стол ложки несоленого сливочного масла или топленого масла
►Перемешать в блендере как минимум 20 сек (пока не вспенится и не исчезнет масляная пленка на поверхности)
►Start with 1 cup (8 oz.) filtered water, just off the boil.
►Measure 2 1/2 heaping tablespoons freshly ground Bulletproof® Upgraded™ Coffee beans (approximately 2 rounded tablespoons per 6 oz. water) and brew strong black coffee using your favorite coffee brewing method.
►Pour in 1 teaspoon Bulletproof® Upgraded™ Brain Octane™ or Bulletproof® Upgraded™ MCT Oil (build up to 1-2 tablespoons over several days).
►Add 1 tablespoon grass-fed, unsalted butter or ghee (build up to 2 tablespoons or much more over several days).
►Mix in a blender for at least 20 seconds until the drink is frothy and looks like a creamy latte without a film of oil on the surface.